The Mother Of It All
The Mother of it All
Episode 23: We Can't Have Nice Things

Episode 23: We Can't Have Nice Things

Even though it's almost legally summer, Miranda and Sarah are both so sick, so they called each other to talk about the disappearance of an isolated cold and flu season and the loss of control.

Sarah flew to Iceland, only to be immediately taken down by a stomach flu. Meanwhile, back at home a Covid-like virus knocked Miranda’s family out for 14 days. So we called an emergency recording session of Mother Of It All just to vent about it all together. Why can’t parents have nice things, like occasional vacations or a week or two without absolutely disgusting viruses? Is every virus we get now actually worse since Covid lockdown, or does it just feel that way? What ever happened to the normal cold? Like a nice, 3-5 day stuffy nose? When you shit your pants on a plane but everyone’s asleep, did it really happen? And is being sick in a hotel room by yourself the only “joy” left for parents??


The Mother Of It All
The Mother of it All
We are Miranda Rake and Sarah Wheeler, two friends, mothers and professional writers on the parenting beat. The Mother of it All is our place to go deep into the culture of modern motherhood and have the conversations that truly challenge, feed and excite us. Expect warmth, humor and over-considered takes on hot topics, fresh takes on old ones, expert guests and good times. We're diving into the grey areas beyond the tropes — the wine moms, the rage moms, the anything moms — and instead spending real time with the ideas that help us grow as mothers and people in this cultural moment.