The Mother Of It All
The Mother of it All
Episode 9: Resisting Covert Grind Culture: Evie Ebert On Resolution Season

Episode 9: Resisting Covert Grind Culture: Evie Ebert On Resolution Season

In which Miranda & Sarah define the many reasons they love

’s motherhood writing, and Evie responds to all the flattery by giving an exceptionally satisfying answer to our “where are your kids right now” question. Then we dig into resolution culture, wondering out loud if maybe (MAYBE) we’re done treating resolution season as the super bowl of self-loathing. Instead, we just might be ready to mess around with stuff like earnestly-selected, loosely-defined slacker-level mind-set aspirations, the kind that help us make peace with who and how we are, as opposed to productivity culture in a “self-care” trench coat. Also: “Punch butt,” the importance of doing stuff we’re bad at, and watching a lot of TV. 

Yer Mates, Evie, Miranda & Sarah


Evie’s Substack:

Really Good, Actually

This Fool on Hulu

(It’s Great To) Suck At Something

The Mother Of It All
The Mother of it All
We are Miranda Rake and Sarah Wheeler, two friends, mothers and professional writers on the parenting beat. The Mother of it All is our place to go deep into the culture of modern motherhood and have the conversations that truly challenge, feed and excite us. Expect warmth, humor and over-considered takes on hot topics, fresh takes on old ones, expert guests and good times. We're diving into the grey areas beyond the tropes — the wine moms, the rage moms, the anything moms — and instead spending real time with the ideas that help us grow as mothers and people in this cultural moment.