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Sarah and Miranda in the “Hotwheels Closet” where Miranda recorded our fist episode!

We are Miranda Rake and Sarah Wheeler, two friends, mothers and professional writers on the parenting beat. The Mother of it All is our place to go deep into the culture of modern motherhood and have the conversations that truly challenge, feed and excite us. Expect warmth, humor and over-considered takes on hot topics, fresh takes on old ones, expert guests and good times. We're diving into the grey areas beyond the tropes — the wine moms, the rage moms, the anything moms — to spend real time with the ideas that help us grow as mothers and people in this cultural moment.

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Taking on culture through the lens of motherhood and motherhood through the lens of culture.


Taking on culture through the lens of motherhood, and motherhood through the lens of culture.
I'm a writer and co-host of the Mother Of It All podcast, with I make with my brilliant friend Sarah Wheeler. I get my kicks thinking & writing about life as a parent.